Liturgical Songs
The historic liturgy provides a structure for leading the congregation in its encounter with God through the Word and in the Sacraments. The songs of the liturgy include texts based on scripture that have been used by Christians in worship for centuries. These texts have been set to music many, many times in many diverse forms, and have provided new and diverse forms of liturgical music. Hopefully, this will keep happening, that no matter the predominant musical idiom of the age, these greats texts will continue to be sung by God’s people. This setting is offered to the church as a simple-to-learn and easy-to-sing contemporary liturgy.
The Manchester setting was originally composed and introduced at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Manchester, Iowa, where it is still used. Although written for Lutheran worship, these liturgical songs can be used in any setting that makes use of the historic liturgy. These songs were written for a specific part of the liturgy, but they can find use in other parts of the service, or as part of a contemporary liturgy or service.
Song Pages
Below are the liturgical songs of True Vine Music, including the Manchester setting. Click on the song title to go to that song’s page, where you can download lyrics, chord sheets, lead sheets, and keyboard parts – all for free.
Manchester Setting
Other Liturgical Songs
- This is a song for the confession and absolution in the divine service.
- A setting of the Gloria Patri with 3 additional stanzas, each one focusing on one person of the Trinity.
- A communion song based on the text from the Didache, an early church writing.
- A call to worship from the Matins liturgy, based on Psalm 95