Here I Stand
The Word of God is the foundation for hope, peace and life. It is the means by which God reveals Himself to us. But it is not only information; it is power. God comes to us in His Word to forgive, renew, strengthen, encourage and sustain us.
The song “Here I Stand” is about standing on His Word in the face of doubt and trials. The chorus echoes Martin Luther’s declaration at the Diet of Worms. When asked to recant his teaching, he refused, claiming that he was standing on the Word of God in the face of human authority: “Here I Stand. I can do no other. So help me God.” We are called to stand on the Word today in the face of doubt and secularism.
I wrote this song to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. It is also fitting for the 500th anniversary of Luther’s confession at the Diet of Worms, which will be April 17, 2021. The bridge paraphrases words attributed to Luther about the Word of God, and the ending borrows the tune of “A Mighty Fortress.”
Bible Verses
Word of God, Bible, Faithfulness, Confession, Testimony, Reformation, God’s promises, Truth