Breaking of the Bread
This song is based on the Jesus’ Easter appearance to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, recorded in Luke 24:13-35. The two disciples were disappointed and disillusioned. Then Jesus led them into the Word and revealed to them the truth of His mission. As He broke bread with them, He revealed Himself. Why did Jesus do this? He is telling his church to find Him, hear Him, experience Him in His Word, in Baptism, and in the Breaking of the Bread (the Lord’s Supper.)
As we go through our lives, we experience loss and doubt and uncertainty. We deal with disappointment — with our lives and sometimes with God. Where can we find the Lord whose help we need? We find Him, as did those two disciples, in His Word and at His table.
Bible Verses
Holy Communion, Lord’s Supper, Presence of Christ, Communion, Eucharist, Baptism, Word of God, disappointment, doubt, resurrection