Email your questions and feedback to me at truevinemusic155@gmail.com
All True Vine Music worship songs are registered with CCLI (https://us.ccli.com/) . If your congregation or school has a CCLI license you do not need permission from True Vine Music to use these songs or to reproduce the music for worship.
Then please contact me to find out how to obtain the appropriate permission for the song you wish to use.
If you have permission to use the song, you certainly may. That’s why I made them!
If you have a CCLI License, I encourage you to check to see if you have the streaming add-on to the license. If you do not have the CCLI streaming license, please contact me to discuss permission.
At present the songs are not registered with One License.
If you would one of the songs in a different key, just let me know, and I will be happy to help you out.
Contact me and we will discuss.