Mission Songs
Missions begins in the heart of God. God “desires that all men be saved and come a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). Christ has called His church into being as His partner in this mission, bringing His grace and love to a broken world. The songs on this page were written to encourage the church God’s mission as His witnesses.
Song Pages
Below are the mission songs of True Vine Music, encouraging our witness through song. Click on the song title to go to that song’s page, where you can download lyrics, chord sheets, lead sheets, and keyboard parts – all for free.
A prayer that the Lord set His church ablaze for His mission.
Having been blessed by Christ, we are called to be a blessing to others.
- We celebrate and proclaim what God has done among the nations.
We embrace the future and the mission that God has placed before us.
Jesus calls us to be “fishers of men.”
Jesus leads us up into a closer relationship with Him, in to closer relationships with His followers, and out into His world.
- We are chosen and sent to the world to be a blessing.
Jesus leads us into mission, just as he led Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Matthew.