This song was written by Bob Hauch for the 2009-2010 school year for St. John’s Lutheran School. The school theme that year was “Run,” based on Hebrews 12:1-2.
In those verses, the Christian life is depicted as a race. Along the way, there are obstacles that entangle and hinder our progress. The writer mentions sin in particular. We are to throw off those obstacles, and run, encouraged by the cloud of witnesses that surround us. In Hebrews 11, the writer lists those witnesses, the saints who have come before, whose example inspires us to run with steadfast determination.
The greatest help for this race, through is in fixing our gaze on Christ, who has completed his race, and waits for us with the crown of victory at the finish line.
This song makes use of the race metaphor to encourage faithful perseverance in living the Christian life. Listening to the “wisdom of the ones who’ve gone before” and ignoring the “crowd,” we run, knowing that our Lord is by our side.
Bob Hauch was in the final year of his race when he wrote this song. The encouragement to perseverance and faithfulness takes on special poignancy in light of what he was going through. In many ways, this song encapsulates so much of Bob’s approach to his illness, and his approach to all of life. Please read through the words, listen to the song, with Bob’s struggle and victory in mind.
For the recording, the song is sung by Steve Jeffery. For additional school theme songs, click here.
Bible Verses
Life in Christ, Faithfulness, Suffering, Eternal Life, Sanctification, Perseverance, Witness