Baptism Songs
The songs of True Vine Music are written from the perspective of a sacramental view of Baptism. That is, that Baptism is not just something that we do, but rather that it is a mystery in which God is at work through Water, Word and Spirit. For a deeper presentation on sacramental theology, go to the Sacraments page.
Baptism is a gift of Jesus to His church, by which he places His name upon us (Matthew 28:19), clothes us with himself (Galatians 3:27), forgives our sins (Acts 2:38), connects us to His death and resurrection (Romans 6:3-4), and incorporates us into His body, the church (1 Corinthians 12:13). These gifts, as all of the gifts of God are received through faith. Jesus’ ministry begins with His baptism and concludes with His mandate to make disciples of the nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey all that He has commanded. For more information, please click here.
Since the bulk of contemporary worship music is coming from traditions that do not hold a sacramental view of baptism, there is a distinct need for more worship songs to fill this void: Songs that celebrate the baptism or christening of an individual, as well as songs that celebrate the baptism of the baptized and reflect on the gift that God has given in Christ by Water, Word and Spirit. I offer these baptism songs in an effort to address that need.
Song Pages
Below is a list of the baptism songs of True Vine Music. Click on the song title to go to that song’s page, where you can download lyrics, chord sheets, lead sheets, and keyboard parts – all for free.
- A blessing for someone who is being baptized
- We celebrate God’s gifts and promises to those who are baptized.
- A blessing song sung to someone who is being baptized
- A song about the Lord’s Supper, that also makes reference to baptism as a place where the Lord meets with us.
- A Baptism blessing from the perspective of God, spoken to a girl or woman as she is baptized.
- In this confession and absolution song, the forgiveness of sins is depicted as being brought back to the water of baptism.
- The story of the baptism of the Ethiopian points to the blessing and gift of baptism.
- Jesus invites the children to come to him that they might receive the Kingdom of God. We respond to this call as we bring children to Him in baptism.
- A song for the baptism of a boy child, reflecting the baptism of Jesus
- In Baptism, Jesus welcome us to a new family, and to a love, mercy and peace without end. A song for someone being baptized.