Sing to the Lord a New Song
Psalm 98:1
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Song Pages
The songs page contains links to the individual pages for all the worship songs of True Vine Music. Click on the song titles below to go to the page for that song. There you will be able to download lyric sheets, chord sheets, lead sheets, and keyboard parts. There are also lyric videos for some of the songs.
A blessing song for someone as they are baptized
A celebration of God’s rescue and renewal
A prayer that the Lord set His church ablaze for His mission
All of creation praises God all the time, a fine example for us to emulate
We celebrate God’s gifts and promises to those who believe and are baptized.
A blessing for someone being baptized
A call to be strong and courageous, bold and brave, because God is with us.
Jesus calls us to shine His light to all.
We are made for community. We are the body of Christ.
A song of praise for the Lord who gives us strength for battle.
We are called to be peacemakers in the home, school, church and world.
Having been blessed by Christ, we are called to be a blessing to others.
Jesus reveals himself in the breaking of the bread
The power of the name of Jesus transforms us more and more in His image.
We celebrate what God has done and share it with world.
A celebration of God’s goodness, compassion, grace and work.
The voice of God claiming and blessing someone as she is baptized.
Jesus invites the weary and burdened to come to Him for rest.
We confess our sinfulness and rejoice in the gift of forgiveness in Christ.
We live by faith in the crucified Christ.
We embrace the future that God has prepared for us.
A desperate prayer in the face of affliction.
We are gifted by God that we might serve Him and others.
We glorify God in worship and with lives of peace, unity and love.
A song of praise to the Triune God, based on the Gloria Patri.
A setting of the Glory to God in the Highest from the liturgy.
We are called to be fishers of people.
We are called to be fishers of people.
We find comfort in Jesus’ promise to take us by the hand.
A prayer, crying out the Lord after the September 11 attacks.
We stand on the truth of the Word of God.
A song celebrating the gift of baptism.
The love of God in Christ for us leads and empowers us to love one another.
A setting of the Sanctus from the liturgy.
Hope in Christ serves as an anchor for our souls.
We are called to shine our light to all the world.
We are to remember the mighty deeds of God, especially our salvation in Jesus.
A commitment of friendship no matter what may come.
We sing and make music to God for the works and wonders He has done.
A setting of the Agnus Dei from the liturgy.
Jesus leads us to grow UP (closer to Him, IN (His followers), and OUT (His world).
Jesus calls the children to come to Him that He might bless them.
We love others as God in Christ has loved us.
The church consists of living stones with Christ as the foundation.
We look up to the Lord, where our help comes from.
A setting of the Kyrie from the liturgy.
The love of Christ is a model for love in marriage.
A prayer that the unity embodied in the bread and wine be realized in the church.
In our troubles and weaknesses, the Lord lifts us up on eagles’ wings.
As we celebrate communion we celebrate being made one in Christ.
We are called to grow in Christ, closer to Him and in service to others.
The Christian life is like a race we run with perseverance.
A prayer the God would guide our ways so that we might follow faithfully.
We are called to be thankful for all that we have received from the Lord.
We are the work of His hands: His hands in creation, and His hands on the cross.
The words spoken to Jesus at His baptism are also spoken to us at ours.
We are under construction as God builds us up to be living stones.
A call to worship based on Psalm 95
We are chosen to receive God’s grace and chosen to share God’s grace.
A setting of the post-communion song of praise from the liturgy.
In baptism, Jesus welcomes all to a love, mercy and peace without end.
A call to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.
A setting of the offertory from the liturgy.
We are called to a bold faith in following our xtreme God.
In a world of constant change we trust in Christ who never changes.
Jesus leads us into mission, as He led Peter, Andrew, James and John.
Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, bearing fruit through Him.